
Technology has transformed genealogical research, making it more accessible and detailed. Just download one app to discover genealogy.

They were developed to help people discover and document their trees.


Several apps offer innovative tools to help users explore their family backgrounds.


Firstly, a very famous genealogy discovery app that you need to know is Heredis.


It has a friendly and intuitive interface, making it easy to navigate and use its tools.

Additionally, it offers options to import and export data from other genealogical software, ensuring compatibility.

It also allows you to create detailed family trees with several customization options.

It is also available for Windows, macOS, iOS and Android, making it easy to access on different devices.

This application includes advanced search tools to locate specific records and detailed information.

Furthermore, it offers the possibility of generating detailed reports and graphs to visualize the family tree.

Legacy Tree Genealogists

Next, another genealogy discovery app that can help you is Legacy Tree Genealogists.

This, in turn, is a professional service that offers personalized genealogical research.

In addition to having a team of experienced specialists in different areas of genealogy.

More than that, it carries out research all over the world, accessing a wide variety of records.

To do so, provide detailed and documented reports of genealogical discoveries. In addition to a free initial consultation to assess the user's needs.

Furthermore, it offers personalized plans according to the client’s needs and budget.


Another app that you might really like is MacFamilyTree.

However, it is an exclusive app for Mac. As a result, it has a modern and visually attractive interface, making navigation easier.

It offers 3D visualization tools for an immersive family tree building experience.

And it even allows you to synchronize data with iCloud, ensuring access on different Apple devices.

Additionally, it includes built-in search tools to access historical records directly within the app.

As well as, a variety of customizable reporting options, including graphs and diagrams.


Finally, our last recommendation is the WikiTree application. This is a collaborative platform that allows the collective construction of family trees.

It also has an active global community that contributes information and records.

Plus, it's completely free, making it accessible to anyone interested in genealogy. Plus, it includes tools for checking fonts.

Also, it allows you to create detailed profiles for each family member, including photos and documents.

As well, it offers a comparison tool to find and correct duplicates in the family tree.


See how technology has advanced so much that you can now benefit from it. Just have one or more of these tools on your cell phone.

Collaboration between users and the use of advanced tools enrich genealogical research, making the journey even more exciting and revealing.

Each has unique features that meet different needs, from professional services to collaborative platforms.

Choose the app you like and enjoy. Access the links and download at Google Play or Apple Store.